scientist guy: yeah fam just focking spray-paint the asteroid, when it hits the earth will be turned into a worldwide tribute to jackson pollock
on December 23, 2015

on December 23, 2015

generic henta1 protag
generic henta1 protag
on December 20, 2015

i told sakurai to put bayonetta in smash and he actually did it!!!!!!!! the absolute madman!!!!!!!!!!!

He wasn't a weenie, besides bayonetta is gonna be way op and they won't nerf her.... Besides smash needed more villians....
on January 15, 2016
on December 17, 2015

when you fight (SPOILER ALERT FOR GAME THAT CAME OUT IN 2009) donkey kong in punch out!! for the wii, like, you wouldn't want a gotdamn ape in the wrestling ring he don't got no clothes on!!!!! he don't got no MORALS......
on December 14, 2015

on December 14, 2015

on December 14, 2015

jon stewart looks like he's rotting away and stephen colbert sucked the life right outta him
on December 11, 2015

Peepo: Origins
Peepo: Origins

Nanalan - Peepo/Garden Scene
listen i can't lie this put me into tears enjoy your nanalan kids
on December 11, 2015

barber: whatchu looking for
me: you know the itsy bitsy spider?
barber: say no more
me: you know the itsy bitsy spider?
barber: say no more
on December 10, 2015

on December 09, 2015