*Crys* Why do you have to change my question into profile?! Not cool man...
on April 20, 2016

Wolf: Which Creepypasta would you ship me with?
Wolf: Which Creepypasta would you ship me with?. Star this question to receive answer updates
on April 20, 2016

Wolf: Ugh!!!!!!!!! There is still a 1 on my news feed and i can't get read of it!!!
on April 20, 2016

Reedited my backstory... https://www.qfeast.com/story/mgagU2/My-Backstory?ref=sl

My Backstory
Its just my backstory and it tells how i became a creepypasta. If you want to learn more about me then please read this story...But don't say i didn't warn you~
on April 18, 2016

on April 18, 2016

PenguinMcGuffin asked a question

Wolf: What would you do if you saw me in your room and i was watching you sleep?
on April 17, 2016

on April 17, 2016