Peachy.Princess asked a question

Do you like Creepypasta? I do because Jeff is a creepypatsa and he loves me and teaches...
on August 05, 2019

Jeff is my husband and he made me poison peaches so I can shove them down peeple's throats too lol <3
on August 05, 2019

on August 05, 2019

At 5 followers I am going to post a video of me doing karate! XD I'm soooo good! My strength is peaches!
on August 05, 2019

I'm a cute princess uwu!
If you kikck me I'll throw peaches at you because I know karate XD lol
If you kikck me I'll throw peaches at you because I know karate XD lol
on August 05, 2019

Awww... why can I only follow 40 people?????
on August 05, 2019