Welp, I think i'm going to go to bed now ^-^ Goodnight everyone! Have sweet dreams of Pepe xD Thanks for a great first day here c:
on August 22, 2015

My sister said she ships me with my piercings.......................... Nice
on August 22, 2015

I'm still contemplating whether or not Gir from Invader Zim is a girl or boy..
on August 22, 2015

Everyone on here is so kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ^o^ xD
on August 22, 2015

I'm getting addicted to this website.. Oh gosh D:
on August 22, 2015

Paranourmal asked a question

If you had the chance to say anything to Pepe the frog, what would you say to him? o.o
on August 22, 2015

Hey guys cx It's @Angry_German_Kid 's sister, andddd I just made this account literally like 5 seconds ago. Not sure what to do now xD

Gah, now you have to wait for 3 days until you can post on walls.....makes some stories, quizzes...anything until your allowed to post.
on August 22, 2015
on August 22, 2015