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Dropping it must not be in nephrites ability wonder of that was taken away with all the other rights
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Comments (23)

So this idiot is saying that instead of getting rid of racism, they should just tip the scales and make it okay for white people to be harassed?

Well she's saying white people have all their rights so we can't complain
on January 25, 2016
on January 25, 2016

OKAY WOW. American privelege is believing that there isn't any country apart from america. Like, has she heard of Europe? Or Africa? Ya know that place where white people are literally killed for being white?

Or well how about Isis beheading Christian preachers and just preachers
on January 25, 2016
You type fast... And I completely agree.

Haha, I didn't type it all in that one shot. It was more like Qfeast not letting em post everything in one go.
on January 25, 2016
on January 25, 2016

What about the attacks in Cologne, hmm? Where thousands of muslim refugee me molested and raped European women, and then the women were called racist for IDENTIFYING their rapists? What about that time when, oh I don't know, muslim men actually KIDNAPPED Norwegian and european women because they were fascinated with their blonde hair and blue eyes? Oh, what about See More the Holocaust? She realises that some jewish people are literally white, right? Also, isn't she white, as well? Also, she's looking at AMERICAN media, AMERICA. Where 70% of the population is WHITE. Also, if she's referencing the black kid shootings, half of those kids were wielding BB guns, with the orange tip OFF. It's a think-quick or die situation so of course the cop is going to shoot. SHE ISN'T EVEN OPPRESSED SHE"S A WHITE FEMALE. THERE ARE LITERALLY ORGANISATION DEDICATED TO HER.

Apparently they do because she couldn't get married to a chick if she wanted to so oh well
on January 25, 2016

Honestly, women have more rights than men in the US so I don't know what she's talking 'bout. Also, no one gives a flying f*ck about her sexuality.
on January 25, 2016

But she's a female and her sexuality isn't hetero so "she's oppressed because she's a woman and has less rights and she can't go through airports and such because she isn't straight"
on January 25, 2016
on January 25, 2016
on January 25, 2016
on January 24, 2016

Why? Why are people trying to categorize who is and isn't oppressed based on race anyways? Anyone can be oppressed based on lots of different things. It's really that simple.
Why? Why are people trying to categorize who is and isn't oppressed based on race anyways? Anyone can be oppressed based on lots of different things. It's really that simple.

Not just race but gender and and sexuality too
on January 23, 2016
on January 23, 2016

ChibiChibiMoon lmao lemme explain why you can be racist to whites and why there arent any straight prides since people like @Parabolic are too stupid to understand why
First of all white people have basically every privilege out there. getting on an airplane without be suspected of being a terrorist, getting attention all over media and they arent opressed. See More White people havent suffered like native americans, pakistanis , north koreans, etc. they dont get killed for looking 'suspicious'. Every other race is opressed besides white people. If that isnt telling you enough then please give me a reason on how white people ARE opressed and how you can be racist to them. You cant because even though you get called 'cracker' or whatever that small sterotype isnt nearly enough to make your entire race opressed. Maybe when you get enslaved, get your land stolen and get patted down at the airport 50x more than you usually do you'll wish for your privellege back. Stop trying to make yourself opressed be
First of all white people have basically every privilege out there. getting on an airplane without be suspected of being a terrorist, getting attention all over media and they arent opressed. See More White people havent suffered like native americans, pakistanis , north koreans, etc. they dont get killed for looking 'suspicious'. Every other race is opressed besides white people. If that isnt telling you enough then please give me a reason on how white people ARE opressed and how you can be racist to them. You cant because even though you get called 'cracker' or whatever that small sterotype isnt nearly enough to make your entire race opressed. Maybe when you get enslaved, get your land stolen and get patted down at the airport 50x more than you usually do you'll wish for your privellege back. Stop trying to make yourself opressed be

cause trust me honey you dont wa
Here it is @Electpurr_the_electric_cat @Princesscrystalkat @Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maheswaran
Here it is @Electpurr_the_electric_cat @Princesscrystalkat @Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maheswaran
on January 23, 2016
on January 23, 2016