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Comments (53)

slap that sh*t out of you till you wake up -_____- oooh maybe ill just call mistress akky
on February 15, 2015


Thanks :p (ikr?)
on February 12, 2015
on February 12, 2015

No no no Im kidding take a joke,
No no no Im kidding take a joke,


Sure *gives you a death glare* Such belief...
Anywhale, Do you know how Ocgirl/Tara is doing? Has she responded to anything...? It's okay if you don't want to talk about her.
Anywhale, Do you know how Ocgirl/Tara is doing? Has she responded to anything...? It's okay if you don't want to talk about her.
on February 07, 2015

Well you kidnap me and expect to change me into a demon with noconsent but your own, and made me a butler no less! But seriously I'm just doing stuff while I'm.bored
on February 07, 2015

You seem so distant. Like 'Oh its her' "Hey" anncdsakcbdskj "cool.."
I feel like you hate me! *cries like a walrus* It isnt fair, I haven't done anything....yet!
I feel like you hate me! *cries like a walrus* It isnt fair, I haven't done anything....yet!
on February 07, 2015

Okay, like is there something wrong with me, other then the things i know XD
Like why don't you ever continue out a conversation with me?
Like why don't you ever continue out a conversation with me?
on February 07, 2015

I just started Blue Exorcist and Soul eater.
I got far into SAO but lost my place because I didn't have netflix at the time.
I got far into SAO but lost my place because I didn't have netflix at the time.
on February 07, 2015

on February 07, 2015

on February 07, 2015

Too bad, you have to be. It's qualified as my head butler and you don't get to choose your position in the house.
on February 07, 2015

on February 07, 2015

on February 07, 2015

on February 07, 2015

Based on your actions/emotions towards me, I'd say my head butler.
You're kind of dull towards me so Yeah, you can be my butler.
You're kind of dull towards me so Yeah, you can be my butler.
on February 07, 2015

Boring, like what would you do after?
I would definitely kidnap everybody and make them my maids, and some one them my chef's and others just people that live in my house.
I would definitely kidnap everybody and make them my maids, and some one them my chef's and others just people that live in my house.
on February 07, 2015

on February 07, 2015
on February 07, 2015
on February 07, 2015
5, 7, 10, or 11. possibly 9.
It depends on my mood, honestly...