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Comments (29)

I Just started SAO and IT IS AMAZING! srsly you have no idea how much I ship those two

Oh just wait
on December 07, 2015
on December 07, 2015

on January 28, 2015

I still like the first ARC better, it made the show

on July 12, 2014

well the official name of it was actually SAO: phantom bullet, don't know why they still had it as SAO for that...
on July 12, 2014

on July 12, 2014

on July 12, 2014
on July 12, 2014
on July 12, 2014

-_- by now i can recognise them anywhere :p due to you i'm familiar with them.. oh.. wait... who are they?????????? ... oh i remembered!!!! :p :D
on January 30, 2014

on January 28, 2014