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Comments (33)

not sure how to respond...
on April 17, 2015

Elevendy billion
on January 11, 2015

7 :p
on January 10, 2015

4. You're a cute kid :)

I'm almost 17 that's not quite a kid...

on January 10, 2015
on January 10, 2015
on January 10, 2015

10, but for other reasons, not your looks... HEHEHEHE >:)

Care to explain further in pm at some time then?

enjoy enjoy... nightmares to break your own scale await... and trust me ill be in them... MWAHAHAHA
on January 10, 2015

well, YOURE devious.... but the real reason was your stupidity and gulliblness with a dash of awesome. but looks like god went abit overboardwith the stupidity, so you broke my scale :D
on January 10, 2015
on January 10, 2015
on January 10, 2015

7 8 xD 5 4 6 x3 Celtic is going to kill me soon I just know it XD

Why would she kill you soon?

I was mainly wondering why on earth she'd kill you :/ I mean I'm not with her any more or anything she's with secretlysly now if you didn't know
on January 10, 2015

Girl stuff x3 PEACE! B) *ninja backflips off the balcony and rides off into the sun on a dragon from skyrim*
on January 10, 2015
on January 10, 2015
on January 10, 2015