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No.... She's moved on to someone new....

I mean she says im her best friend and etc but in my prospective im just her therapist.
on March 13, 2015

on March 13, 2015

Yeah...she sad-sapped me into unblocking her thanks to gothicskittleskitty and so now I get to see her depression in my news feed again I mean, she's drinking and taking pictures of it and she once even took a picture with a belt tightened around her neck! Im already sad enough because 2 people I've known since I was little are diying and taras stuff isn't helping See More at all.
on March 13, 2015

Yep, but its clear the good guy doesn't always get what he wants, or the girl, but meh she's gone a bit overboard..... She's drinking now and every thing
on March 13, 2015

Yeah, watching you guys together was basically sheer love, anytime she had something going on like that "HER" demon you would be there and what not just throwing out all your priority to be there for her while most others scurried away.
on March 13, 2015

Well its clear Tara got through that phase :/
on March 13, 2015

Yeah...and the worst part is he's EXTREMELY nice to me and so I just don't even know...I mean, he gave me one of his few lucky items! He gave me his lucky cross! And that's pretty big! And it's to th e point where Im just stuck in the "your so sweet!" Phase.
on March 13, 2015

Sounds like a tough decision
on March 13, 2015

Honestly I am thinking about crossing Roman off my list too...I mean us seeing each other becomes more and more rare by the day and it's at the point to where I only see him once a year and I just feel bad looking at other people while being with him to be honest...it's crossed my mind occasionally but I never decided.
on March 13, 2015

Meh its fine, but I won't make the same misteak 3 times..... Couldn't anyway, she's taken already...
on March 13, 2015

Im sorry.
on March 13, 2015

Really ..
on March 13, 2015

on March 13, 2015
on March 13, 2015

Because your together? Idk xD
on March 13, 2015
on March 13, 2015

I ship you with Tara, because you two are perfect for each other.
on February 26, 2015