My grandma wouldn't let me buy this life size skeleton decoration.
on October 28, 2018

on October 28, 2018

on October 28, 2018

Ok but Spongebob's Best Day Ever song is unironically a good song and people bashing on it need to chill? Tom Kenny is a goodass singer >://
on October 28, 2018

So my crush was venting to me earlier about how her own crush had started dating someone and she was bummed about it and my first reaction was to be relieved and Idk why :// I kinda feel like a dick

on October 28, 2018

That's how it works, Cherry! You get happy because your crush's crush doesn't like them back. You lose competition
Now use this time to get closer to her and comfort her to show her that you're a really great person
That's not a possessive trait
A possessive trait would be saying, "You shouldn't be with them anyway," or "you're not compatible with them"
Now use this time to get closer to her and comfort her to show her that you're a really great person
That's not a possessive trait
A possessive trait would be saying, "You shouldn't be with them anyway," or "you're not compatible with them"
on October 28, 2018

Yeahh but I dont like that I felt happy her crush was dating someone else. I'm pretty sure that's somewhat possessive??
on October 28, 2018
on October 28, 2018

I fúcking hate my geometry teacher. He's so smug and condescending and never explains things clearly then gets upset when we can't solve something HE DIDN'T TELL US HOW TO
on October 25, 2018

Hearing Justin yell "IM GONNA EAT YOUR ASS" on mbmbam made me choke on my water I'm wheezing
on October 24, 2018

I'm in a bad mood so my mom's playing musical songs to make me feel better but I'm an asshole so it doesn't help at all lol

Just one of those days I guess ://
My misophonia has been a real pain in the ass and I constantly feel like I'm a few sounds away from another fúcking panic attack but I can't ask people to stop making noise because it makes me look like a dick
My misophonia has been a real pain in the ass and I constantly feel like I'm a few sounds away from another fúcking panic attack but I can't ask people to stop making noise because it makes me look like a dick
on October 22, 2018
on October 22, 2018

on October 20, 2018

Craving affection again w/ no way to deal with it
My cat won't sit with me : ((
Craving affection again w/ no way to deal with it
My cat won't sit with me : ((
on October 17, 2018

I had a nightmare last night that I died in a car crash
I'm supposed to drive my mom's car this weekend for the first time
P l e a s e
I'm supposed to drive my mom's car this weekend for the first time
P l e a s e
on October 16, 2018

on October 14, 2018

I want someone to play with my hair :<
on October 08, 2018

on October 07, 2018

on October 07, 2018

on October 06, 2018