Regarding the pewdiepie hate:
I realize that Felix has said some very offensive things. I do not support the things he said in any way. But he does NOT deserve the level of hate he is receiving. Did he do some dumbass things? Yes. Is the people who were offended justified to feel that way? Absolutely.
But you need to remember one thing:
HE IS A FÚCKING HUMAN BEING. He's going to do some dumbass things. It's his job as a YouTuber. He may have taken things a bit too far. But what See More else do you expect him to do? He's acknowledged that what he did was a dick move. He apologised.
Anyone saying that he deserved to have his show- something that at least a hundred people put their hard work and dedication into- cancelled needs to get their head out of their ass and look at how ridiculous they're being.
I realize that Felix has said some very offensive things. I do not support the things he said in any way. But he does NOT deserve the level of hate he is receiving. Did he do some dumbass things? Yes. Is the people who were offended justified to feel that way? Absolutely.
But you need to remember one thing:
HE IS A FÚCKING HUMAN BEING. He's going to do some dumbass things. It's his job as a YouTuber. He may have taken things a bit too far. But what See More else do you expect him to do? He's acknowledged that what he did was a dick move. He apologised.
Anyone saying that he deserved to have his show- something that at least a hundred people put their hard work and dedication into- cancelled needs to get their head out of their ass and look at how ridiculous they're being.
on February 19, 2017

Idk why my mom hates that I don't like clothes shopping. If anything, she should be glad I'm saving her momey by not constantly asking for ridiculously overpriced clothes
on February 19, 2017

I feel like people have forgotten about respect in recent years. I feel like society has moved away from the fundamental principal of treating each other as ...
on February 18, 2017

on February 18, 2017

I'm a terrible friend

Don't put yourself down, Cherry!! It wasn't your fault! Nothing was. You did nothing wrong. He keeps avoiding problems and you did nothing wrong for trying to unite your friends again. I don't want you to feel bad about it, dude.
on February 18, 2017

It pretty much was. I suggested it when I knew the output wouldn't be any different. I should've never said anything
on February 18, 2017
on February 18, 2017

I don't know why I keep trying to help people. It just makes their lives worse
on February 18, 2017

Gotta butter my hands and start stretching this candy bitch
Gotta butter my hands and start stretching this candy bitch
on February 17, 2017

It tastes good but has the consistency of snot I'm uncomfortable
It tastes good but has the consistency of snot I'm uncomfortable

I've already put the stuff away
I read that if you wait a while and then start stretching it'll taste more taffy-ish
I read that if you wait a while and then start stretching it'll taste more taffy-ish
on February 17, 2017

on February 17, 2017
on February 17, 2017

UIL is off to a great start
UIL is off to a great start
on February 17, 2017

Gotta go to pre UIL :[

Not sure what it stands for specifically, but it's basically a competition for most extracurricular activities
on February 17, 2017
on February 17, 2017

I can't keep watching this Anne Frank movie. It's gonna kill me with all this suspense
on February 16, 2017

FC fûcked up my entire animation.
I'm so pissed
I'm so pissed
on February 14, 2017

I fell asleep on my chair during orchestra practice. I'm starting to think that staying up until 4:30 was a bad idea
on February 12, 2017