Time to battle the dice man
Hoo boy
Hoo boy

keep trying man
on November 24, 2017

He's kicking my ass : (
on November 24, 2017

fuckk em up man
on November 24, 2017
on November 24, 2017

on November 22, 2017

"Glass shark he luf the fat kid
You stay out that wadah fat kid glass shark COMIN FO YOU
He gitchu down in that bad deep wadah that DAAAHK WADAH
He make you a snack! He make you a snack he eat yo brother
He don't care he GLAAAASS SHARK"
You stay out that wadah fat kid glass shark COMIN FO YOU
He gitchu down in that bad deep wadah that DAAAHK WADAH
He make you a snack! He make you a snack he eat yo brother
He don't care he GLAAAASS SHARK"
on November 22, 2017

Shit dude I feel a whole lot better after getting that out. Let's get back on that road to self love boi : )
on November 22, 2017

on November 16, 2017

My chew necklace came today and I'm real happy! I think it's gonna be really helpful
on November 15, 2017

I think I just had a panic attack for the first time??
Anyway misophonia fúcking sucks and makes people hate you
Anyway misophonia fúcking sucks and makes people hate you
on November 12, 2017

So I kind of unapologetically adore the Spongebob musical and have been jamming to this cheesy as hell soundtrack for the past week straight but realtalk I love how “No Control” just goes so hard. One of my personal fave moments of the show is spongebob going OFF to a David Bowie song and doing the fúcking splits while the town yells about the apocalypse A+ A+ A+
on November 10, 2017

on October 23, 2017

We're at a rodeo and this one calf got roped and didn't know what to do so he just sat down lmao
on October 22, 2017

Some Cagney headcannons because he's quickly becoming my favorite boss
+ He's really protective of the other plants in his garden including weeds and if you try to hurt them he will kill you
+He dozes in the sun a lot
+He talks big game but can only talk since he can't move lmao
+3 words: Giant Flower Pot
+He hates children and gardeners/weed removers
+ He's really protective of the other plants in his garden including weeds and if you try to hurt them he will kill you
+He dozes in the sun a lot
+He talks big game but can only talk since he can't move lmao
+3 words: Giant Flower Pot
+He hates children and gardeners/weed removers
on October 21, 2017