Oshsee's Questions - Page 3
Oshsee asked 64 questions

Why do people dislike Frozen so much? Why do people hate Frozen so much? Text down belo...

Do you like somebody and they don't like you back? For some people out there don't know...

When you follow a person, do they follow you back? I wanted to know of how many people ...

Do you like to be judged by your colour of skin? I would like to know of what people wo...

What Would You Do If You Saw A Person Running After You With A Knife? I don't know what...

Are you older or younger? Older would be 20 and older and younger would be 19 and younger!

What animal do you think you are? I want to see of what people think of themselves as a...

What's your fav dogs name? Lucky, Ethan, Julie, or anything else (Comment down below!)

What's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you or you did to someone? I wanted...

Why is my profile pic a cat? You were probably wondering why my profile pic is a cat! W...

How did you find out about qfeast? (1) I wanted to know of how people found out about q...

Why are cats smart? I wanted to know why cats are smart because I have 3. Also your sma...

Should Miley and Justin be a good couple? Well their dating so I think that they both h...

Comment down below on your favourite name Comment below on your favorite name! Make sur...

Comment below on your favourite food It can be any food you want! Make sure you comment...

Comment below on your favourite number Answer between 1 and 100