I'm Blue(star) | Complete Spoof MAP
~ The prophecies say that only the chosen ones can actually figure out, what's actually going on in this video ~ seriously, thank you for all of you amazing ...
on April 14, 2018

Hey ya'll I'm going do a quick clean out of my profile and delete some stuff
on April 14, 2018

Newskitty asked a question

If you could choose a new first name, middle name, and last name, what would it be? Wel...
on November 17, 2017

♥ FIVE BELLS ♥ Complete Brambleclaw & Squirrelflight MAP
IT'S beEN 84 yEARS!! The story revolves around Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight's deteriorating relationship following the events of Sunrise. They have drifted...
on October 28, 2017

The Exit / Brambleclaw & Hawkfrost / COMPLETED MAP
Don't forget to subscribe & leave a like! Well, here it is! after over a year of working on this, its finally done! Brambleclaw & Hawkfrost; The Exit! Thank ...
on October 28, 2017