
You are pardoned from the execution of the human race that will occur on March 6 2021, as your choice of words have proven yourself to hold more wisdom than your fellowmen.
on June 14, 2018
on June 14, 2018

on June 07, 2018

Everyone, I would just like to say, being on this Site has been an absolute pleasure. While I've been here, I have come across some that I know from TheUltraSans, some I have heard of and never dreamed of knowing, and plenty of new people. I have seen some weird shiet. Some decent content. And some of the weirdest fanbases and pages. While I may not know where I stand on this spectrum, I know that it won't matter, Because the thing about this, is that we're all unique in one way See More or another. On that note, may we continue, to create fond memories.
on June 07, 2018

I'm back everyone
on June 07, 2018

NessTheMemeMaster subscribed to page

Type your name backwards (there will be a funny result)
on June 06, 2018

on June 06, 2018

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..¯¯--, .’\, . . . . . . ,--~-,’ ’|…_,-~‘¯ ;; | .| .. . . . . : . .|¯’*| .| See More
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..¯¯--, .’\, . . . . . . ,--~-,’ ’|…_,-~‘¯ ;; | .| .. . . . . : . .|¯’*| .| See More
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/’ ;,/;;;|’ : :|,/‘;;-~’ ¯¯¯ ;;;;;’’\, ;;;,,, OBJECTION!
on June 06, 2018

*Disappointed sigh*
on June 02, 2018

I'll most likely be gone for a considerable amount of days, so just post some random shiet for my message in my about me
on June 01, 2018

Listen to World Of Max by Anathe #np on #SoundCloud
on May 31, 2018

on May 29, 2018