Just A Unwanted Neko, Already Gone
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Comments (18)
is that Levi?
on November 09, 2017

*Has something similar to this as desktop screensaver for when the computer is locked*
Except he makes fun of how dirty mine is....
Except he makes fun of how dirty mine is....

Me: You clean a lot of screens, don't you Levi? There's bound to be worse ones out there, right?
on March 15, 2016
on March 15, 2016

Thank you shorty even though you can't reach the top of my screen heh
on March 14, 2016

I'm not starring! >:0 If he just cleaned my dirty screen, he did a pretty terrible job. That is not worthy of a star.

on March 02, 2016
on March 02, 2016