But my moms more f-ed up. She thinks she does everything but she does like nothing. She thinks she says something and she doesn't legit half her conversations are in her head and when's she's sick, hungry, or even tired she get really made cause of this hormone disorder
Well it only happens once in a while the events I do are in this organization called the SCA. It's global actually. I do Great North eastern war, Berka, Pensic *not in a while*, Crown turny, harvest moon, turny of love, Winters feast, and other side ones I've forgotten
I do camping events renaissance, Midevil around those time periods. I do youth fighting and archery. I also help around shops and baby sit and I help out with feasts and balls. :3
Tbh I just want a normal house and a normal school and stuff
North eastern war, Berka, Pensic *not in a while*, Crown turny, harvest moon, turny of love, Winters feast, and other side ones I've forgotten
Midevil around those time periods. I do youth fighting and archery. I also help around shops and baby sit and I help out with feasts and balls. :3
Aka I live at the Renaissance faire
It's actually pretty fun