Reb Faushereve
Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo: 101 / 601
RHE CLOTHES ARE FINALLY HERE AND COMPLETED *mostly* now time to wait on that wig hmmmmm
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Comments (7)

swigy sweg!


you look fab X3
on May 01, 2017
on May 01, 2017
on May 01, 2017

you look so cool X3

I just finished retieing the tie for the third time and the pants need to be re hemmed and wig needs to be ordered but yep! I AM NOW A ITALY COSPLAYER. I also have a uncompleted nye Ireland cosplay but I need a brown corset and my mom refuses XD

I know! I wish I could go but my parents won't pay for it and I'm practically broke so I'm going to portcon here. And just as I said o was done tying the tie it decided to re knote itself and I had to re tie it!!!
on May 01, 2017

you seriously look awesome cosplayed as italy
i'm going to comic-con cosplayed as lithuania
i'm going to comic-con cosplayed as lithuania
on May 01, 2017
on May 01, 2017
on May 01, 2017