on May 05, 2017

Is there a world record of how fast some one can eat a mc chicken and a small frie??? I legit did that in less then 3 minutes. It's called no outside food in a movie theater and no dinner before that
on May 05, 2017

Just got back from special premier of Guardians of the galaxy volume two. I have a pun. ITS RAINING MEN! And PASS THE BABY TILL IT SLEEPS!

Oh @Wolfspirit they messed without Ego. Ego in the movie is a mix between The Gardener and ego while in the comics Peters dad was a leader of a secret civilization
on May 05, 2017

Yondus Mohawk, teenage Groot, quill becoming pacman to fight his dad, drax calling mantis ugly, mantis thanking drax for calling her ugly, rocket being all derped out during the time space jump
on May 05, 2017
on May 05, 2017

on May 04, 2017

on May 04, 2017