Neeneepapa_Otaku - Page 351

I am Bekah! *not my real name at all*
I love a lot of thing! I'm not making a list. See More▼
wow 10/010 autumn is really my fav season
on February 28, 2016
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No hate to you Claude lovers: 3
Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 2
on February 28, 2016
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Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 4
on February 28, 2016
5 correct questions out of 6. The passing score mark is 3
on February 27, 2016
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Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 1
on February 26, 2016
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Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 3
on February 26, 2016
Derp derpdy DERP!
Fandom: Undertale
Personality: Lazy, loves puns, enjoys science fiction, can be eerily serious sometimes, a bit depressed or fatal which some say is the cause of the many resets, and observant
About: Sans is the oldest brother of Papyrus. He maybe short in size but he is the oldest. when Sans at anytime his white pupils disappear happens if he's ever being eerily serious.
Other info: Sans is the only one of the characters the has experienced the resets that have occurred in the Genocide route which is the reason why he knows so much about it.
on February 26, 2016
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Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 0
on February 26, 2016
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Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 8
on February 26, 2016
Everyone was in the pool laughing and enjoying themselves. You was about to get in the pool too until you see a black blur standing at the side. You smile and walk up to him. "Hey Shadow! You comming for a swim?" You ask sweatly hiding your water gun behind your back. Shadow looked at you and shook his head. Your smile disappeard. "What? But why?" You ask disapointment in your voice. He just shrugged. "I don't swim" He says then closed his eyes. You sigh and get in the water leaving your water gun at the side. After a while you look up to see Shadow still where he was before. You was about to get your water gun when you see it was not there. You turn to Alexis and ask. "Have you seen my-" You was cut off by a cold splash of watermhitting the back of your head. You turn around to see Shadow spraying you with your own water gun. He smirks. Just because I don't wont to swim doesn't mean I don't want to have fun" He says and Sapphire comes out of no where. "Since when did you like to have fu-" Sapphire was also cut off by Shadow spraying her in the face making her fall in the water. You laugh and take your water gun back from Shadow. Sapphire comes back from under the water and glares at Shadow. "Its on!" "WATER FIGHT!" Alexis yells.
on February 26, 2016
created a scored quiz
Do U now me
I will ask questions and u will Answer if u get them right well... (not to be mean) Good for you u! U r very smart.( if u took that wrong Ima gonna make fun of my self) Unlike me most of my scored quiezes on qfeast r failurs.
4 responses 3 profile quiz
on February 25, 2016
O//O ummmm
He loves you!
BEN: I-I don't love them! O///O
on February 25, 2016
Yep i dont care for one direction...
Better luck next quiz...
1 correct question out of 9. The passing score mark is 5
on February 25, 2016
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Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 0
on February 25, 2016
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Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 0
on February 25, 2016
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Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 0
on February 25, 2016
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Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 0
on February 25, 2016
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Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 0
on February 25, 2016
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Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 0
on February 25, 2016
uploaded a photo
Neeneepapa_Otaku's Photo 0
on February 25, 2016