on December 28, 2016

Person: Qfeast cans I be number one on the qfeasters of the day?
Qfeast: SURE!
Qfeast: SURE!
on December 28, 2016

Shoot, I'm stuck in my sleeping bag help guys I can't get out!!! AAAA

on December 28, 2016

on December 28, 2016
on December 28, 2016

Got that sunshine in my pocket got that whistle in my feet~~~Stop wait a minute~~Don't forget ab-b-bout me~~ and I sure would like some sweet company cuz I'm leaving tomorrow what'd ya say~~
(can you guess the songs)
(can you guess the songs)
on December 28, 2016
Papyrus: Killing us bo--- *frisk cuts the wire* ........You edgy b*tch. THAT WAS A REAL BOMB YOU MANIC!!!! Never the less you solved my puzzle, proceed..