on May 01, 2017

MysteriousLiarBoy added a new chapter to Yellow Blood Splatters
Chapter Four
Kisyan Iassoh sat amongst a bed of colourful flowers that he had planted in his lawn ring, the sweet scent of the plants drifted through the air. The scent surrounded and soothed the giant of a troll. His candy corn coloured horns shined in the moonlight.
He laced the stems of colourful flowers into a flower crown of vibrant purples and blues. The stems laced into an intricate pattern that only Kisyan could understand. He only wanted the best for his palecrush.
His eyes, which were surrou... Read Full Chapter
He laced the stems of colourful flowers into a flower crown of vibrant purples and blues. The stems laced into an intricate pattern that only Kisyan could understand. He only wanted the best for his palecrush.
His eyes, which were surrou... Read Full Chapter
on May 01, 2017

I can either finished the first chapter of Waterlogged or I can finish a chapter of YBS
Which one first?
Which one first?
on May 01, 2017

My parents owe me a fcuk ton of money
So when they pay me back, I'm going to dye my hair.
I'm either going to dye it purple or green
So when they pay me back, I'm going to dye my hair.
I'm either going to dye it purple or green

I'm going to only do the top of my head though
And it'll be a dark green
Like forest green
I'm going to only do the top of my head though
And it'll be a dark green
Like forest green
on May 01, 2017
on April 30, 2017

on April 30, 2017

I've been listening to All Time Low for the last two hours
It helped calm me down a lot
It helped calm me down a lot
on April 30, 2017

on April 30, 2017

I threw up
I don't think I can tell Jason
It scares me
I don't think I can bring myself to tell him..
I love him but I don't think I can tell him
And I feel horrible about it
I don't think I can tell Jason
It scares me
I don't think I can bring myself to tell him..
I love him but I don't think I can tell him
And I feel horrible about it

Don't do it until you're ready.
But just tell Jason that you're in danger,
At the least.
You don't have to tell him why, See More
But tell him you need help.
Don't do it until you're ready.
But just tell Jason that you're in danger,
At the least.
You don't have to tell him why, See More
But tell him you need help.
on April 30, 2017

I want to tell him! I really do..
But I'm scared.
It was hard telling you, even over messages..
But telling my lover face to face is going to be hard.
He's going to see my ugly crying and hear my cracking voice. See More
I'm scared that he will see me differently.
I'm scared that *he* will find me.
I'm scared that I'll be taken away.
I don't think I can do it face to face.
But I'm scared.
It was hard telling you, even over messages..
But telling my lover face to face is going to be hard.
He's going to see my ugly crying and hear my cracking voice. See More
I'm scared that he will see me differently.
I'm scared that *he* will find me.
I'm scared that I'll be taken away.
I don't think I can do it face to face.
on April 30, 2017

It'll be okay.
You don't have to if you don't want.
But I feel like it'd be healthy to tell him.
I know that he'd appreciate it too. I do.
It'll be okay.
You don't have to if you don't want.
But I feel like it'd be healthy to tell him.
I know that he'd appreciate it too. I do.
on April 30, 2017
on April 30, 2017

on April 30, 2017