My_Life_is_Crap - Page 3

I only use this account to get rid off my built up emotion so if you wanna see my pathetic worthless life go ahead, but it's kinda personal so just go the hell away. Scratch that, just See More
i told her i was unstable. i told her i was crazy. i told her i would never leave her that she'd be stuck with me forever if she didnt break up with me
on May 24, 2017
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It's kind of like being in a house when no ones home
on May 24, 2017
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well since no one knows this account exists, I guess i can post what i want on it
on May 24, 2017
About Author
I'm sorry that i'm a waste of space
I'm sorry that i wasted your time
I'm sorry that i'm just not good enough
I'm sorry i'm a douche bag
I'm sorry i'm an asshole
I'm sorry i'm a jerk
I'm sorry for what i did See More
on May 24, 2017
About Author
This temporary and won't be used after probably tomorrow
on April 25, 2017
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