Age: 19 How did she get into singing? Got into singin' through listenin' to Motown n musicals n believin my Mam was Diana Ross, wanted to be like her Nicknames? Used to get called Pickle cos I was 'so cute u cud keep me in a pickle jar' now it's Poopey
You are a violent or ruthless Dauntless, of the Peter or Eric-type. You believe in bravery to the point of pride, and even when you know you are beaten you will never, ever back down. You will fight for whoever you believe is right, and your loyalties change quickly depending on the situation at hand. You enjoy hurting other people, even when hurting them is an act of bullying rather than bravery. The more violent and ruthless you are, the better you think everything is.
You are smart and have a good sense of humour, but are unable to cope with the sight of walkers and the thought of something bad happening to your loved ones.
Ride the wind to a new place that blows stronger than other. You are able to blow down anything that stresses you out. You are quiet and normally only follow orders. Emotions are not known to be with you. You normally just go with the flow while at others times, you can get anger and blow down whatever is in your way. Going with the flow is not always a good idea. You might get ran over. Stay strong and be you.
This is the place where most of the Peacekeepers are trained, and where the weapons are manufactured, but originally specialized only in mining and stone cutting.
Louis will be the perfect pair for you:) he will MAKE YOU LAUGH ALL THE TIME. Hes Super Sweet and will treat you right... now how do we get rid of Eleanor??
He is the mature one.He said :I like girls carrots . He like to be SuperMan . He used to go to the hospital all the time with his mum to help her look after the babies. He spent his first ever paycheck on adopting a chimpanzee called Larry. The other One Direction members say that Louis sleepwalks. He says that he is the messiest of the five. His celebrity crush is Natalie Portman.