Brandon Nation
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Comments (14)

Wow you look coll
on July 18, 2015

yeah, but the mall is literally about 5 minute's walk from my house lol and it's a beautiful day for once so I walked

Lucky! It's too windy to go anywhere in Texas. The wind is too fierce for this tiny 12-year old. But have fun and eat candy from the candy store! Because candy always tastes good.

I gag at the sight of it. I hate it so much...when I was 5, I burned my tongue, and every tastbud was numb, then for dessert, we had chocolate and it was bitter to me. I can't eat it now. :<
on February 08, 2015

OMFG I totally did go out and buy candy I bought about a pound of it. Also got a neclace for my gf :3
on February 08, 2015
on February 08, 2015
on February 08, 2015

just me and i'm already back home I took this pic a couple hours ago
on February 08, 2015