You should read The Secret Hogwarts Students by @JKRowling BTW my siisterO:-)
on July 01, 2014

I updated Heartbreak Girl! :D Ella's not in it, sorry, but she'll be in the next chapter!! ;)
on June 28, 2014

I updated Heartbreak Girl, and I included Ella! :D
on June 26, 2014

Hey! Go to this link: http://www.qfeast.com/page/1/Qfeast-News and join the protests of the 50 chapter story limit! (please!) Also spread the word.

Qfeast News
Check out the latest news & updates from Qfeast: new features, tips & tricks, most popular items.
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Okay, so it must seem weird that I'm just randomly commenting on a post that has nothing to do with me, but...I thought "50 chapter story limit" said "Out of My Limit".... :D
on June 26, 2014
on June 24, 2014

Check out my new page! It's all about fandoms and fangirling! :3 https://www.qfeast.com/page/FITKsD/Fangirls-Assemble-The-Ultimate-Fangirls-Experience

Fangirls Assemble (The Ultimate Fangirls Experience)
The ultimate page for the following fandoms:
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Hunger Games
The Mortal Instruments
You can request more if you like, but it MUST be a book fandom. Now go out there and FANGIRL!!!
on June 24, 2014

I have 333 followers!
on June 23, 2014

People ask me "Why do you buy books you've already read?"
"Well, why do you breathe when you know your gonna die?"
"Well, why do you breathe when you know your gonna die?"
on June 22, 2014

Funny Book Reveiwers~ Yep! You can do a fanfic!
on June 15, 2014

You have received a free hug! Give the hug to the people you admire.
- started by Rainbow_Dashy
- started by Rainbow_Dashy
on June 15, 2014

You have received a free hug! Give the hug to the people you admire.
- started by Rainbow_Dashy
- started by Rainbow_Dashy
on June 15, 2014

You have received a free hug! Give the hug to the people you admire.
- started by Rainbow_Dashy
- started by Rainbow_Dashy
on June 15, 2014

You have received a free hug! Give the hug to the people you admire.
- started by Rainbow_Dashy
- started by Rainbow_Dashy
on June 15, 2014