Misa_AnomynusAmane added a photo to the starred list
Haha Mikasa this is totally us on the bottom XD

on January 31, 2016

I have an inhuman obsession with cats... I love them.

But I think I am allergic to them...
on January 31, 2016
on January 31, 2016

Well... Its 4:00 am here and I have not slept at all! Mostly because I was watching scary movies all night with my mum and step dad. Except the last movie, it was sad... AND IM GONNA TEAR MY STEP DAD TO SHREADS FOR RECCOMENDING IT!!! ??????
on January 30, 2016

What is a good amine?
My mom does not like any shows that cuss too often and I have a 4 year old brother. Any suggestions?
My mom does not like any shows that cuss too often and I have a 4 year old brother. Any suggestions?
on January 29, 2016

I've known him for fourteen and a half years! How could I get to know him more?
on January 29, 2016

on January 29, 2016

Ugh!! My parents keep making these stupid gay jokes... Like "In your name I pray that Jill is not gay." And "oh, so you are a guy?"
on January 29, 2016

on January 29, 2016

This happened!
Me: *picks up a cup of Greek yogurt* Eww... There's some Greece on it..
Mom: If youre Hungary you'll eat it.
Me: ....
Me: *picks up a cup of Greek yogurt* Eww... There's some Greece on it..
Mom: If youre Hungary you'll eat it.
Me: ....
on January 29, 2016