Okay I'm watching Alice and wonder land and I'm at the point where she's crying :(
on June 29, 2016

I need all the hugs in the world

https://www.musical.ly/v/MzkzMTExMDgxNTMwMDcxMzY5NzY4OTY.html I think she's the one under the chair @Angelthefallenangel
on June 29, 2016
on June 29, 2016

Me : my dog died
Lion King : its the circle of life
Me : I don't like the circle of life it sucks
Lion King : its the circle of life
Me : I don't like the circle of life it sucks
on June 29, 2016

Why do things have to die, get sick, drink blood? Why?

@Mindfang *hugs* itll be ok eventually, right now, no. But it will be eventually (IM SO HONEST XD)
on June 29, 2016

Lessons. Just... *sighs* People have a purpouse. once they die, they learn the lesson. Sometimes before they get a memory.
on June 29, 2016
on June 29, 2016

I'll be back on in aa lil

:(( her name was bubbles she was a mix of a Doberman and a blue pit she was blue like her dad
on June 29, 2016

on June 29, 2016
on June 29, 2016

I hate my life :(( :((
on June 29, 2016

Does anyone know how to make a little kid be quite?
on June 29, 2016

Help I need help I don't know how to snapshot stuff with my new phone
on June 29, 2016