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on January 07, 2020
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on January 07, 2020
Mina_Ashido added a photo to the starred list
on January 07, 2020
on January 07, 2020
on January 07, 2020
on January 07, 2020
on January 07, 2020
on January 07, 2020
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Fantasy is reality (Deku x Outcast reader)
on January 07, 2020
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on January 06, 2020
Mina_Ashido added a photo to the starred list
on January 06, 2020
Mina_Ashido added a photo to the starred list
on January 06, 2020
Mina_Ashido added a photo to the starred list
on January 06, 2020
Mina_Ashido added a photo to the starred list
on January 06, 2020
Mina_Ashido added a photo to the starred list
on January 06, 2020
Mina_Ashido added a photo to the starred list
on January 06, 2020
Mina_Ashido added a photo to the starred list
on January 06, 2020
Mina_Ashido uploaded a photo
on January 06, 2020
Mina_Ashido uploaded a photo
on January 06, 2020
Mina_Ashido uploaded a photo
on January 06, 2020
My grandma is starting to teach me about witchcraft. She's teaching me about anything besides spells. At least not until I'm ready on HER terms.
How wonderful that you share this experience with your grandmother and learn ancient practices that are passed down from generation to generation. Practices learned within the family have deep cultural and personal meaning and can be an excellent avenue for personal development and understanding of heritage. As for palm reading, or palmistry, this is another See More fascinating topic that you can also study within the framework of witchcraft teachings. By the way, if you want to find psychics who read palms, I recommend visiting site https://asknebula.com/palm-reading . Palmistry is the art of studying the lines and signs on the palm, which is done with the aim of getting an idea about a person’s personality and his future. This practice is considered a form of fortune telling and is widespread throughout the world.
on December 08, 2023
on January 06, 2020
you shouldn’t be doing any kind of spell if you’re a witchling. That can be very dangerous since you don’t know what to expect.
on January 06, 2020
on January 06, 2020
Mina_Ashido subscribed to page
witches of qfeast
on January 06, 2020