on March 04, 2021

Hyun, what's wrong??
on March 04, 2021

bio update( because why not :P)
on March 04, 2021

Mei_tehmiko21 uploaded a photo
Ok so, the one on the right is Moon, and the one on the left is Gabby!

on March 04, 2021

I can't wait for me to disable ads owo the ad's are hella nasty-
on March 04, 2021

*gacha heat* Me: Hey sweetie, see that toxic person we walk the other way
Moon: *walks away*
*fangirls* Me: Toxic, walk the other way
Moon: *runs*
Moon: *Gotta go fast*
(enjoy my skit with one of my children UwU)
Moon: *walks away*
*fangirls* Me: Toxic, walk the other way
Moon: *runs*
Moon: *Gotta go fast*
(enjoy my skit with one of my children UwU)
on March 04, 2021

Wanna hear a stupid story? XD

and that all happened last night and my uncle was at work at the time, but this bitch has my mom's adress and everything smh ya'll
on March 04, 2021

So, my family was going to stay at my nana's house for the week. As my mom goes upstairs to our house to get our clothes me and my nana see this car circle around the block and then go near our car. So when my mom get our of the car we tell her what happened and this karen is sitting parked my the stop sign but rolls down her window and tells us to go around See More her. So We go around her but next thing you know SHE'S FUCKKING FOLLOWING US. So my nana told my mom to go into one of those keyhole things where the houses where. When we pull in there she follows us in there and says "Oh sorry i thought you where my boyfriend's car." My mom's like " Bitch, watch who your following." and the karen got soo pressed she tried to hit my mom but we pulled off. We then headed to papa murphy's to get our pizza so when we got there the fuckking karen was following us. Then all this shit happened and now the police are involved.
on March 04, 2021
on March 04, 2021

So, from now on you will only see my account with eri-chan! Eri-chan is my normal pfp if i'm sad or my depression/bipolar disorder kicks in i'll change it to uraraka
on March 04, 2021

- See More
Smile today please! don't let the people who hate you get under your skin!
And most importantly stay safe and have a good day tomorrow! Tomorrow is FRIDAYYY!
- See More
Smile today please! don't let the people who hate you get under your skin!
And most importantly stay safe and have a good day tomorrow! Tomorrow is FRIDAYYY!
on March 04, 2021

on March 04, 2021

__♥__♥_____♥__♥___ Put This
_♥_____♥_♥_____♥__ Heart
_♥______♥______♥__ On Your
__♥_____/______♥__ Page If
___♥____\_____♥___ You had
____♥___/___♥_____ Your Heart
______♥_\_♥_______ Broken
_♥_____♥_♥_____♥__ Heart
_♥______♥______♥__ On Your
__♥_____/______♥__ Page If
___♥____\_____♥___ You had
____♥___/___♥_____ Your Heart
______♥_\_♥_______ Broken
on March 03, 2021