on December 25, 2015

Ask the fangirl...
1. First person I've ever obbsessed over? Tails
2. Current Obession? Tails doll
3. Favorite Band? Don't have one
4. Favorite singer? Katy Perry
5. Favorite youtuber? Markplier
6. First concert? I have actually never been to a concert. See More
7. Favorite movie? The fault of our stars
8. Favorite actor/actress? *shugs*
9. First celebirty crush? Don't have one
10. Ever got made fun of for what I like? Nope.
11. Favorite book? Harry potter
12. Something I like about a fandom I'm in?
That I'm the only one that likes tails doll
13. Something I hate about the fandom I'm in?
That too many fangirls
14. Favorite fictional character? Tails do
15. Favorite TV Show? OUAT (Once Upon A Time)
16. Would I ever take a bullet for the people I face
17. Do I ever hide the fact that I like someone out of fear of getting teased? No.
18. Have I ever met any of my iolds: no
19. Do I have any merchandise over people I fangirl over? Yep
20. Favorite fangirl moment? When I see a really hoy tails doll
21. Favorite ship out of all of my fandoms?
22. Least favorite ship out of all of my fandom?
REP0$T if you're a true fangirl! - St4rted by @Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maeswaran
1. First person I've ever obbsessed over? Tails
2. Current Obession? Tails doll
3. Favorite Band? Don't have one
4. Favorite singer? Katy Perry
5. Favorite youtuber? Markplier
6. First concert? I have actually never been to a concert. See More
7. Favorite movie? The fault of our stars
8. Favorite actor/actress? *shugs*
9. First celebirty crush? Don't have one
10. Ever got made fun of for what I like? Nope.
11. Favorite book? Harry potter
12. Something I like about a fandom I'm in?
That I'm the only one that likes tails doll
13. Something I hate about the fandom I'm in?
That too many fangirls
14. Favorite fictional character? Tails do
15. Favorite TV Show? OUAT (Once Upon A Time)
16. Would I ever take a bullet for the people I face
17. Do I ever hide the fact that I like someone out of fear of getting teased? No.
18. Have I ever met any of my iolds: no
19. Do I have any merchandise over people I fangirl over? Yep
20. Favorite fangirl moment? When I see a really hoy tails doll
21. Favorite ship out of all of my fandoms?
22. Least favorite ship out of all of my fandom?
REP0$T if you're a true fangirl! - St4rted by @Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maeswaran
on December 24, 2015

Want a hug?

T: Yes.....*moans*
B: *also comes and hugs him*
P: Yay, hugs!! *hugs both of them tight*
B: *also comes and hugs him*
P: Yay, hugs!! *hugs both of them tight*
on December 25, 2015
on December 24, 2015

Can't wait for Christmas!!!!!!
I'm going to a restaurant!
I'm going to a restaurant!
on December 24, 2015

U atill did not give me a pic yet :(

I'm working on it. I'm almost done. ^-^ I'm trying to get all of the requests done, than post them up at the same time.
on December 24, 2015
on December 24, 2015

on December 24, 2015

Sonic fangirl400 said hi
on December 24, 2015

My new Kik will be
on December 24, 2015

Anyone want my phone number?
Pm me I will tell you
Pm me I will tell you
on December 23, 2015
I'll edit it.