Marvele added a photo to the starred list
Who's the friend that likes to play? Bing Bong, Bing Bong!

on November 28, 2015

GUYS! TODAY IS THE WINTER SOLSTICE!!! Also, my dad and I went to see these dogs that we may or may not be adopting. :P
on November 26, 2015

on November 23, 2015

on November 23, 2015

6 likes for
My weirdest thought: Do people realise how similar computers and drugs are?
My embarrassing moment: Erm, I fell multiple times in front of my crush.
The weirdest crave I have right now: MEAT (wait, that's everyday)
My most jealous time: I don't know, I don't really get jealous
The hardest heartbreak that ever happened to me: Haven't dated but does the winter soldier count? xD
The worst experience: TransITING BETWEEN AIRPORTS IN THREE HOURS. See More
The weirdest phase in my life: My younger barbie years.
By @A_Pet_WolfDog_With_A_Blog
My weirdest thought: Do people realise how similar computers and drugs are?
My embarrassing moment: Erm, I fell multiple times in front of my crush.
The weirdest crave I have right now: MEAT (wait, that's everyday)
My most jealous time: I don't know, I don't really get jealous
The hardest heartbreak that ever happened to me: Haven't dated but does the winter soldier count? xD
The worst experience: TransITING BETWEEN AIRPORTS IN THREE HOURS. See More
The weirdest phase in my life: My younger barbie years.
By @A_Pet_WolfDog_With_A_Blog
on November 23, 2015

Oh hey, look at all the screaming, crying twelve year olds who got offended. Triggered.
on November 22, 2015

This entire song is a major burn.
This entire song is a major burn.

Lady Leshurr - Queen's Speech Ep.3
The 3rd episode of Queens Speech is here! A new series of pure fire bars EVERY month. Produced by Z Dot & Krunchie. Shot and edited by Wowa. For news updates...

Bruh. I've downloaded like all of her songs, she's awesome. You know there's a boy version, and it's not half bad.
on November 22, 2015
I hold it down like a snapchat, go over your head like a snapback, uploaded a pic overtop that, and you flow so old, grandad.
on November 22, 2015
on November 22, 2015

6 likes for
My weirdest thought:
My embarrassing moment:
The weirdest crave I have right now:
My most jealous time:
The hardest heartbreak that ever happened to me:
The worst experience: See More
The weirdest phase in my life:
By @A_Pet_WolfDog_With_A_Blog
My weirdest thought:
My embarrassing moment:
The weirdest crave I have right now:
My most jealous time:
The hardest heartbreak that ever happened to me:
The worst experience: See More
The weirdest phase in my life:
By @A_Pet_WolfDog_With_A_Blog
on November 22, 2015

Favourite type of music?

Same, sort of. I love rap and rock though.... But not like punk rock, more old fashioned stuff.
on November 22, 2015

on November 22, 2015

That is a VERY complicated question. Mostly pop (at least, I think that my current favorite songs fit in that category), but mostly just anything that has deep emotions, deep meaning to me, a story in my head behind it, or just a few lines that hit my heart straight on.
on November 22, 2015
on November 22, 2015

Put this at 1.25 speed and IT SOUNDS SO COOl

K.i.D (KYLE) "Lemonade" - Official Music Video
Official music video for K.i.D.'s "lemonade Directed and Edited by https://twitter.com/JakobOwens Watch K.i.D (KYLE'S) We Can video here: https://www.youtube...
on November 22, 2015

If you were to teleport into another place (movie, country, etc.), which would it be and why?
on November 22, 2015

There's a difference between being anti-christian and saying that all religions have no right to force their religion on you... So....
on November 21, 2015