on August 21, 2015

Q-Q Kumi nuh! nuh! nuh!
on August 21, 2015

on August 20, 2015

on August 20, 2015

on August 20, 2015

I was born in Japan, then I grew up in China, then we moved to the USA.

Where we live, theres a mini town called Chinatown. Its a small section from where a live.
on August 20, 2015

It's actually pretty cool. But it is very busy. Though, you can meet a lot of friends there. But it is very far away from here. @Wolfie_The_Pet_Wolf
on August 20, 2015

Yeah, but I miss Japan and China. :( But I did meet a lot of new friends here. In real life and on the Internet. :) @Wolfie_The_Pet_Wolf
on August 20, 2015
on August 20, 2015

Yesterday I was 5th for qfeaster of the day, today I am 2nd! Woah! My first 2 days in a row, I have been qfeaster of the day!
on August 20, 2015

|-) :x :P
on August 20, 2015

Can someone show me how do the emoticons, or at least some of them?

Click the comment bar and you'll see a faint smiley on the right corner. Click it and you'll have some to pick.
Like this :P is just : & P together!
Like this :P is just : & P together!
on August 20, 2015
on August 20, 2015

on August 20, 2015

Thank you everyone, for helping and greeting me for my first days on Qfeast!
on August 20, 2015

Everyone actually likes me....wow!
on August 20, 2015

I am 5th for "qfeaster of the day" and I only made 1 quiz?!
on August 19, 2015