Good Food Good Mood
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Comments (5)

If I offended anyone then am sorry i just did not know that it was something offensive. Sorry
on January 23, 2016
on January 23, 2016

I just find it offensive
I mean, weebs are more offensive than "otakus", but either way, they don't really see what Japan is all about
I mean, weebs are more offensive than "otakus", but either way, they don't really see what Japan is all about
on January 23, 2016

If you think that a otaku means someone who likes computers then you can think that. I am not saying that what you think otaku means is wrong. I just always thought it meant someone who likes anime and manga. There might be two meaning like I said before. Sorry if I made you mad... @Faded
on November 15, 2015