Good Food Good Mood
MagentaHusky's Photo: 9 / 75
Tenshi (From angel beats) Water color (sorry if it's blurry..)- MagentaHusky
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Comments (11)

Wow...this is really good. Better than my painting, that's for sure.

Thanks! The more you practice doing water color the better you will be at it! @TributedRunner

Oh... @TributedRunner
on December 29, 2015

Haha, I don't own any watercolor paint, and the sum that I used to, my sisters destroyed. But, yeah,..
on December 29, 2015
on December 29, 2015
on December 29, 2015

That's amazing! I suck at watercolor.

on December 28, 2015
on December 28, 2015

That looks so cool! Way better than my art.

Thanks! I practiced a lot I guess so the more you practice the better you will be!

Oh no... Canvas works too if you have any it's just water color paper works the best @Rebel_Fangirl
on December 28, 2015
on December 28, 2015
on December 28, 2015