MagentaHusky's Polls - Page 2
MagentaHusky published 52 polls

What is the most relatable?

Do you like auto correct?

Which husky is more adorable?

How much out of 5 are you bored?

How much out of 10 do you like school?

Nyan cat or Grumpycat?

What Non non biyori character is your favourite?

What greeting do you use the most?

Which side of the pool do you like more, the deep end or the shallow end?

What emotion do you use\like the most?

What Internet short form do you use the most?

Inside vs Outside!

How many times have you changed your profile pic?

Have you ever been so bored that you clicked on this?

What feeling do you dislike the most? Being hungry or thirsty?

Would you rather get stung by 1 bumble bee, 3 wasps or 100 mosquitoes?

Pools vs Beaches, What do you like more?

Which movie is worth seeing more? Inside Out vs Minions

What washi tape design is your favourite?