Mad_Hatter13 added a new chapter to High School Love
No teacher and basketball
Alana's P.O.V.
We arrived at school and went to the music room since we got there earlier then expected. Marcus and I were still holding hands when I opened the door. I seen Lexi and Alona sitting across from each other. They looked up and smiled at me and Marcus.
"Hey you two."(Lexi)
"Hey guys."(me)
"Anything new with you two."(Alona)
"Don't think so."(me)
"You sure."(Lexi said looking at what seemed to be our hands)
I realized I was still holding hands with Marcus. I tried to let go but... Read Full Chapter
We arrived at school and went to the music room since we got there earlier then expected. Marcus and I were still holding hands when I opened the door. I seen Lexi and Alona sitting across from each other. They looked up and smiled at me and Marcus.
"Hey you two."(Lexi)
"Hey guys."(me)
"Anything new with you two."(Alona)
"Don't think so."(me)
"You sure."(Lexi said looking at what seemed to be our hands)
I realized I was still holding hands with Marcus. I tried to let go but... Read Full Chapter
on June 17, 2014

Mad_Hatter13 added a new chapter to High School Love
At home and in the morning
Alex's P.O.V.
I seen Alana outside crying then she started to run. She was really upset. She would hardly ever cry. If she did I would be the one right there standing by her.
"I am going to get her."(me)
"We're coming."(Cain)
We left Pizza Hut going to my house. We got there to see our parents still asleep. We all walked to Alana's room to see her and Lana asleep. I walked in and grabbed Lana.
"You guys can stay here tonight since it is late. Sleep where you want."(me)
"I am s... Read Full Chapter
I seen Alana outside crying then she started to run. She was really upset. She would hardly ever cry. If she did I would be the one right there standing by her.
"I am going to get her."(me)
"We're coming."(Cain)
We left Pizza Hut going to my house. We got there to see our parents still asleep. We all walked to Alana's room to see her and Lana asleep. I walked in and grabbed Lana.
"You guys can stay here tonight since it is late. Sleep where you want."(me)
"I am s... Read Full Chapter
on June 08, 2014

Mad_Hatter13 added a new chapter to High School Love
What a JERK!
I woke up to see Marcus looking at me with a smile on his face. I started to blush realizing I was still in his lap. I turned off the music so it would not run my battery down. I looked at Marcus who then picked me up from his lap and placed me beside him. He wrapped one arm around my waist and his other one had his phone in it texting someone named Danial. I seen that one text that Marcus sent that said 'At Alana's house with her in my arm.' Danial responded with 'Dude you're already dating ...
Read Full Chapter
on June 02, 2014

on May 23, 2014

hey thanks for following me i update at least ones every week;) P.S. Love your profile:p

your welcome -gives you a big hug-
on May 21, 2014

welcome and thanks
on May 21, 2014
on May 20, 2014

Mad_Hatter13 added a story to the favorite list

Dear Diary, I think I may have fallen for an EMO
on May 17, 2014

Mad_Hatter13 added a story to the favorite list

10 Chains of Hell - (Jeff the Killer romance)
on May 17, 2014

thx for following me
on March 13, 2014