Hey I c ur on and I'm bored ur story is good BTW even tho I read jes a little :p
on June 05, 2014

hey bobzzzzzz sup

Hehe Hehe :-* ya know I'm jes looking out for my bubzz :-* :D no bio can pass me without being interrogated :D
on June 05, 2014
on June 05, 2014

on June 03, 2014

Gloria Estefan - Reach (The 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony)
Gloria Estefan performs "Reach" at the Atlanta Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony 1996. Gloria's new album "The Standards" featuring "The Day You Say You Love ...

That's ur grad song our grad song sucked cuz Mrs neaves made it rel hi no one could sing but when d people really sang it it was low -_- but I'll listen to it later cuz I have chores k bubz :-*:D
on June 03, 2014
on June 03, 2014

Uhhmmm... where is my Micah bubzz???? :(( :-*

Cuz remember I was sick? Well there was this messiah show at Napa and a lot of secondary schools where there like st.Joseph and HNC and Fatima :x lol Fatima is awesome don't judge. Anyhoe so I was absent she. The show forms where given out so I couldn't go which I was fine with till I realised that joo might be there and JJ ( I'm not so sure they didn't c provi See More ) and skyla from chorpus Christi but worse of all that makes me cry is my crush was there and I hadn't seen him since January. We talked but we didn't c face to face in a while :((
on June 03, 2014
on June 02, 2014

on May 31, 2014

A B C D E F G , Gummy bears r chasing me. One is red and one is blue. And one is peeing on my shoe. Now I'm running for my life cuz the red one`s got a knife :D
on June 02, 2014
on May 31, 2014

This is safety kitty.
If you repost safety kitty on 5 active users wall
You'll be safe from chain letters and scary posts.
If you repost safety kitty on 5 active users wall
You'll be safe from chain letters and scary posts.
on May 31, 2014

hey i like ur about me^
on May 29, 2014

MEG!!!!!!!!!!! love ur wall XD got so many spams :p
on May 26, 2014

i see u like food. we will get along fine :D

u r one chubby wolfie but ur healthy :D * looks at time * im sorry but iv got to go wolfie. :(( bye :((
on May 26, 2014
on May 26, 2014