Hello attention neveryone this is my last post untill a very long long long long time. so after this I am no longer on Qfeast. well goodbye I guess. and again thank you all so much, I will miss you all and I will never forget you guys. GOODBYE!!

Bye Bye Btw i don't know if i should mention this but this is emotaco hru and well..... my phone was taken away so i had to use my computer
on January 23, 2019

Bye :'((
on January 12, 2019

:( Bye....
on January 11, 2019

awe*cries* goodbye i guess
on January 11, 2019
on January 11, 2019

WHAT!! Jeff now Jack oh come on! Why do all the creepypastas love me?
on January 10, 2019

...I give up why am I even talking these quizzes.
on January 10, 2019

Oh my gosh! Jeff has a crush on me!...is this good?
on January 10, 2019

Ok everyone I have an announcement to make...I am leaving qfeast. It's not you or the trolls it's not even me. I don't want to say forced but I have no choice. I will miss you all, you all helped me in a way I can't explain and I don't know how to thank you enough. I will never forget you all, how could I. Thank you for being there for me it means a lot. I will not delete my account because one day I will come back I don't know when but I won't be for a long long time.
I have See More pages that I want to keep on going like the qfeasters of the day. If you are a member please keep this page alive, and don't forget about the bonus points and I like to delete the past contest pictures so no one gets mixed up. Oh and if any one wants to be a member of my pages to can ask when I'm still on. Thank you. So I mite leave tomorrow but I don't know for sure. But I am going to be on all night so if you want to talk or something I'll be there. Again thank you all so much.
I have See More pages that I want to keep on going like the qfeasters of the day. If you are a member please keep this page alive, and don't forget about the bonus points and I like to delete the past contest pictures so no one gets mixed up. Oh and if any one wants to be a member of my pages to can ask when I'm still on. Thank you. So I mite leave tomorrow but I don't know for sure. But I am going to be on all night so if you want to talk or something I'll be there. Again thank you all so much.
on January 09, 2019