It's my 4 month anniversary on Qfeast! :D

on September 24, 2018

Yay congratulations!!
on September 24, 2018

on September 23, 2018
on September 23, 2018

on September 23, 2018
on September 23, 2018

Pizza Verdict Case 10 - Taco Pizza. Is it Worthy or Unworthy? Comment below!! :D
on September 23, 2018

The Sharkenge #9's out!!! :D
on September 23, 2018

The Sharkenge #9 is coming out soon!
on September 23, 2018

The Sharkenge #8 poll will not be taking any more votes as of 12:00.
on September 22, 2018

If you want a pizza of your choice in the next pizza verdict, then comment below!!! :D
on September 22, 2018

The polls for Pizza Verdict Case 09 - Pepperoni and Jalapeno Pizza are now closed. The votes are shown as following:
Wassupeeps - Worthy
DerpyDerpJuice - Unworthy
Luigi25 - Worthy
By the supreme council of pizza, Pizza Lovers Unite rules Pepperoni and Jalapeno Pizza Worthy of all charges.
Wassupeeps - Worthy
DerpyDerpJuice - Unworthy
Luigi25 - Worthy
By the supreme council of pizza, Pizza Lovers Unite rules Pepperoni and Jalapeno Pizza Worthy of all charges.
on September 22, 2018

If you want an Ice Cream of your choice in the next Ice cream verdict, then comment below!!! :D
on September 22, 2018

The polls for Ice Cream Lovers Unite! Verdict Case 03 - Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream are now closed. The votes are shown as following:
Hikari_Chan - Creamy
Luigi25 - Creamy
DerpyDerpJuice - Creamy
Ice.Moon.Melting - Creamy
Wassupeeps - Creamy
By the lickilicious council of Ice Cream, Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream is sentenced SUPER CREAMY of all charges.
Hikari_Chan - Creamy
Luigi25 - Creamy
DerpyDerpJuice - Creamy
Ice.Moon.Melting - Creamy
Wassupeeps - Creamy
By the lickilicious council of Ice Cream, Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream is sentenced SUPER CREAMY of all charges.
on September 22, 2018

I'm back!!! :D

on September 22, 2018
on September 22, 2018

Bye for a while! I'm gonna be off Qfeast for a little bit! :)
on September 16, 2018

Man, I loved Buttered Potato, and now he's gone. I loved Eminem, and now he's gone. I love Dorky, and now he's gonna go. Wow. XD
on September 16, 2018