Loser_Spray added a new chapter to My weird fantastic world
I like u !!
Tom: i-i like u
Alex: awwww I like u to Tom
Tom: no not in that way I mean like like u as in " love"
Alex: *blushes* y--you love me
Tom: yes I do (gets Alex More closer)
Haley: HEY GUYS!! *GAPHS* ( looking at Alex and Tom and looks like they were about to kiss)
Haley: *makes face* where u to about to kiss...
Alex,Tom: NO!!!
Haley: Shure u were I just leave you two alone(goes in house and peeks out Windows with Jaelyn
Alex:welp since she ruined that up I guess I should go *kisses Tom in the... Read Full Chapter
Alex: awwww I like u to Tom
Tom: no not in that way I mean like like u as in " love"
Alex: *blushes* y--you love me
Tom: yes I do (gets Alex More closer)
Haley: HEY GUYS!! *GAPHS* ( looking at Alex and Tom and looks like they were about to kiss)
Haley: *makes face* where u to about to kiss...
Alex,Tom: NO!!!
Haley: Shure u were I just leave you two alone(goes in house and peeks out Windows with Jaelyn
Alex:welp since she ruined that up I guess I should go *kisses Tom in the... Read Full Chapter
on February 12, 2017

Loser_Spray added a new chapter to My weird fantastic world
OK no can we go
(when they were out of the movies tethers)
Tom: Alex your pants are wet
Alex: hey it's not my fault YOU SPILLED SODA ON ME WHEN U GOT SCARED -_-
Jessica: (sees car and sees her UTHER friends are calling her ) umm I got to go guys bye Alex and Tom (runs over to car and waves goodbye)
Alex and Tom: BYE!!
Tom:well Alex we all alone no--
Alex: welp (yawns ) I'm tired...
Tom: well ....can I walk u home
Alex:umm Shure u can
(Wile they were walking Tom ... Read Full Chapter
Tom: Alex your pants are wet
Alex: hey it's not my fault YOU SPILLED SODA ON ME WHEN U GOT SCARED -_-
Jessica: (sees car and sees her UTHER friends are calling her ) umm I got to go guys bye Alex and Tom (runs over to car and waves goodbye)
Alex and Tom: BYE!!
Tom:well Alex we all alone no--
Alex: welp (yawns ) I'm tired...
Tom: well ....can I walk u home
Alex:umm Shure u can
(Wile they were walking Tom ... Read Full Chapter
on February 12, 2017

Loser_Spray added a new chapter to My weird fantastic world
Tom: Alex please don't do this I just won't it to be me and u
Alex:Tom let her go I haven't seen her for a long time we can go see another movie tomorrow and it won't be a scary movie it we'll be what ever you won't it to be ..
Tom: UGH fine but if you get scared it is not my fault...
Alex: OK Jessica u are going with us!!!
( While we where walking Alex saw Callie walking over here with luke )
Alex: Tom let me hide behind u
Tom: uhh Alex are u okay
Luke: is that Alex!!!
Callie no its not it... Read Full Chapter
Alex:Tom let her go I haven't seen her for a long time we can go see another movie tomorrow and it won't be a scary movie it we'll be what ever you won't it to be ..
Tom: UGH fine but if you get scared it is not my fault...
Alex: OK Jessica u are going with us!!!
( While we where walking Alex saw Callie walking over here with luke )
Alex: Tom let me hide behind u
Tom: uhh Alex are u okay
Luke: is that Alex!!!
Callie no its not it... Read Full Chapter
on February 11, 2017

Loser_Spray added a new chapter to My weird fantastic world
I just ruin the movie for me and Tom
(A girl walking in random places and sees her best friend)
Jessica:(looks and sees if that is Alex runs and hug her) Alex I haven't seen u in a big while I miss u so much
Alex: Jessica I missed you to where have u been..
Jessica: oh u know ... Places :l .. OH is this Tom
Alex: umm ya it is .. how did u know ...
Jessica: umm remember u were talking about him in your phone with me..
Alex:OHH YA I forget ... That was a long time ago..
Tom: ummm Alex we have to ... Read Full Chapter
(A girl walking in random places and sees her best friend)
Jessica:(looks and sees if that is Alex runs and hug her) Alex I haven't seen u in a big while I miss u so much
Alex: Jessica I missed you to where have u been..
Jessica: oh u know ... Places :l .. OH is this Tom
Alex: umm ya it is .. how did u know ...
Jessica: umm remember u were talking about him in your phone with me..
Alex:OHH YA I forget ... That was a long time ago..
Tom: ummm Alex we have to ... Read Full Chapter
on February 11, 2017

I am making a story u guys will probably going to like it but some will not :/ u guys are going to figure it out soon
on February 11, 2017

on January 28, 2017