Holy shot!!! I am 3 hours away from the The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's house.
on July 13, 2018

I was washing the dishes and an onion was in there and I thought it was an eye and I yelled. I'm stupid as fock--
on July 03, 2018

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was Blue_Kid
I REGRET NOTHING!! He is an amazing Man!
I REGRET NOTHING!! He is an amazing Man!
on July 02, 2018

Dear friend, here we are again pretending
To understand how you think your world is ending
Sending signals and red flags in waves
It's hard to tell the difference between blood and water these days
I'll pray that one day you see
The only difference between life and dying
Is one is trying, that's all we're called to do See More
So try to love me and I'll try to save you
To understand how you think your world is ending
Sending signals and red flags in waves
It's hard to tell the difference between blood and water these days
I'll pray that one day you see
The only difference between life and dying
Is one is trying, that's all we're called to do See More
So try to love me and I'll try to save you
on July 02, 2018

Loser_Spray uploaded a photo
Oh my goodness. I hate south park so much. They made me so confused in this episode.

on July 02, 2018

I'm watching a show called lost. It's pretty much a plane crashing on an unknown island. I got so mad when I heard about this show. Because I was going to do the same thing. but then I watch it and it's pretty good. There is many things we have that is different! There's is realistic and mine is cartoon! But it's a good show.
on July 01, 2018

Dude, I don't know if you remember this but. Remember you where drawing on jae's Chromebook that Angel thing. Then I showed Jae a kawaii~chan drawing I made proving I was a better drawer than her. You said it was beautiful I said it was beautiful than the angel. You yelled at me. Back then you called me Zane. So pretty much Zane called Kc beautiful. It's was like. . . They were made for each other. Look what we did bro.
on June 28, 2018