I'm a Mistake
LoneSoul - Page 2
OH! I didn't see you there,but thank you for Stumbling upon my lovely bio!(P.s:I AM A HUGE FAN OF PJO AND THE HEROES OF OLYMPUS,If you didn't notice already)
I have many flaws,so let See More me tell you about them
1)I have dyslexia,ADHD
2)Most of the time in depressed
3)I don't get along well with many people
4)My craziness can get the best of me >.<
5)I'm Lactose Intolerant
Now to tell you about myself and stuff
(Your still reading this?Wow..ok..)
Umm I hate being in large crouds.I have anger issues,I LOVE ROCK MUSIC,I LOVE TO ROLEPLAY!!!
I'm tripophobic and claustrophobic
I love the Percy Jackson series
I love The Heroes of Olympus Series
Sometimes I feel unloved
I have many flaws,so let See More me tell you about them
1)I have dyslexia,ADHD
2)Most of the time in depressed
3)I don't get along well with many people
4)My craziness can get the best of me >.<
5)I'm Lactose Intolerant
Now to tell you about myself and stuff
(Your still reading this?Wow..ok..)
Umm I hate being in large crouds.I have anger issues,I LOVE ROCK MUSIC,I LOVE TO ROLEPLAY!!!
I'm tripophobic and claustrophobic
I love the Percy Jackson series
I love The Heroes of Olympus Series
Sometimes I feel unloved