You can say what you want about me no but when I get my acceptance letter to Hogwarts I can go all Avada Kedavra on you...MUGGLE
on February 10, 2014

on February 10, 2014

I'm getting my room decorated and my mum tell me to take down my posters (532 of them) and I'm like I hate you>:)
on February 10, 2014

on February 09, 2014

So your like ''we could make it work this time'' ahaha no you failed our last relationship you will fail this one
on February 09, 2014

Heyy :)
on February 09, 2014

Not My Daughter You B****...Kills Bellatrix gotta love Molly Weasley ahah:D
on February 09, 2014

When you find the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with, hold on to them and never let go...Learn from my mistakes:((
on February 09, 2014

LaurenE6090 added a new chapter to My Horror Story Of My Life

My Shattered On Ice Dream
I was 13 when I had my accident...5 fractured ribs, a split skull and brain damage,I was practising for a competition my national competition.I was nervous as it was only 2 weeks before my biggest competition.I was only intermediate level 3,I was aiming for my triple toe loop jump when a child no older than 9 hit into me whilst i was in the air,he scooped my leg and my arm broke into my ribcage during my fall,my head hit the ground at an extremely hard force and burst my skull,I have been lef...
Read Full Chapter
on February 08, 2014

Me:Mum do you believe in Magic?
Mum:No Lola no I dont
Me:Muggle! *and then I run up the stairs
1hour Later
Me:I'm moving out
Mum:Where are you going then?
Me:Hogwarts,they accept my kind :D See More
My mum worrys about me?
Mum:No Lola no I dont
Me:Muggle! *and then I run up the stairs
1hour Later
Me:I'm moving out
Mum:Where are you going then?
Me:Hogwarts,they accept my kind :D See More
My mum worrys about me?
on February 08, 2014

I had always planne on getting married at 19,I'm nearly 18...can't see my dreams coming true :(
on February 08, 2014

Me being girly and a dumb blonde doesn't hide what I feel like on the inside
on February 08, 2014

Cute when the only valentines card you've had every year since you where 5 was from your daddy!
on February 08, 2014

Wanting that one person to get you a valentines gift but thinking it will never happen...SHIT:((
on February 08, 2014

Us muggles be like...Wheres our acceptance letter to hogwartz fsfs:(
on February 08, 2014