on November 13, 2015

name: Vashard Bloodcrystal
age: 47
Power: Earth and shadow based powers, also has magic granted by his god
weapons: Twin Elemental scimitars and a bow of implosion
abilities: Summon a shadow giant and a colossal earth elemental, and can turn skin impenetrable for a few minutes, and can meld into the earth
species: Earth Genasi
gender: Male See More
personality: Like stone, cold and uncaring
backstory: Transported from his homeworld of Alber Toril, he was captured and experimented on by unknown figures. One day he worked his way through and escaped, and now is trapped on this plane of existence, and has been trying to get back ever since.
age: 47
Power: Earth and shadow based powers, also has magic granted by his god
weapons: Twin Elemental scimitars and a bow of implosion
abilities: Summon a shadow giant and a colossal earth elemental, and can turn skin impenetrable for a few minutes, and can meld into the earth
species: Earth Genasi
gender: Male See More
personality: Like stone, cold and uncaring
backstory: Transported from his homeworld of Alber Toril, he was captured and experimented on by unknown figures. One day he worked his way through and escaped, and now is trapped on this plane of existence, and has been trying to get back ever since.
on November 13, 2015

If I make it to 150 followers. I swear I will explode.
on November 13, 2015

And everyone is dead
on November 13, 2015

Ship me with a qfeaster again, I dare you, I double dare you mother F*cker
on November 12, 2015

Holy crap 666 on my news feed!
on November 09, 2015

1: Doctor Who
2: Sherlock
3: Anime
4: Hunger games
5: Supernatural
2: Sherlock
3: Anime
4: Hunger games
5: Supernatural
on November 02, 2015

1 like= 10% famous
2 likes=20% famous
3 likes=30% famous
4 likes=40% famous
5 likes=50% famous
6 likes=60% famous
7 likes=70% famous See More
8 likes=80% famous
9 likes=90% famous
10 likes=100% famous
11 or more likes= 1000000% famous
once seen, rep0st
$tarted by @Marvele
2 likes=20% famous
3 likes=30% famous
4 likes=40% famous
5 likes=50% famous
6 likes=60% famous
7 likes=70% famous See More
8 likes=80% famous
9 likes=90% famous
10 likes=100% famous
11 or more likes= 1000000% famous
once seen, rep0st
$tarted by @Marvele
on November 01, 2015

on October 30, 2015

on October 26, 2015

The news feed is dead!
on October 22, 2015