You got 2nd place in the contest "Draw a Pond!" Next contest: Draw a Forest http://www.qfeast.com/page/nAZcaD/Drawing-Contest-1

Drawing Contest! (1)
Attention all Qfeast artists! I will be hosting drawing contests of different categories! Every Monday I will announce top 3 winners and the next prompt. I will post my own drawings but they will not be counted in the judging. Good luck, and may the best artist win!

on August 18, 2014
on August 18, 2014

You got 3rd place in the "Draw a Pond" Contest! Next comtest: Draw a Forest http://www.qfeast.com/page/nAZcaD/Drawing-Contest-1

Drawing Contest! (1)
Attention all Qfeast artists! I will be hosting drawing contests of different categories! Every Monday I will announce top 3 winners and the next prompt. I will post my own drawings but they will not be counted in the judging. Good luck, and may the best artist win!
on August 18, 2014

Time to announce winners!!!
3rd place: BlueTurkey!
2nd place: jafrinjannat
1st place: *drumroll* Crystal Wings!
Thanks everyone for your time and effort.
New contest: Draw a forest
3rd place: BlueTurkey!
2nd place: jafrinjannat
1st place: *drumroll* Crystal Wings!
Thanks everyone for your time and effort.
New contest: Draw a forest
on August 18, 2014

Hey Qfeast i have a suggestion about the new layout. how about you make four columns of questions, polls, quizzes, and stories? you can make it smaller with only the picture and title visible, and if you click on it once it enlarges (like a picture on a poll) and you can read the description. then you click on the enlarged version and it opens. just a suggestion ;)
on August 18, 2014

new story...i need caracters!
this new story is called touhou,its a action anime story!
these r the caracters,u can pick!but quikly people can get it first then
oh!and also this is just for cap 1!but if u pick a caracter u stay!as that caracter..ok anyways oh!and im just gonna say names k
reimu hakurei
marisa kirirsame
letty whiterock
aya shameimaru
kana anaberal
patchouli knowledge
youmu konpaku
sakuya izayoi
yuyuko saigyouji
hong meiling
wriggle nightbug
well thats all for episode 1 of caracters
remember u pick a caracter u stay as that carcater k?
anyways bye!
on August 17, 2014

Riverclan- swims in the rivers. Windclan- runs like the wind. Shadowclan- lurks in the shadows. Thunderclan- ...
on August 17, 2014

hey, i have a request on your editors page! hope it can be done asap!!!
on August 17, 2014

hey sorry to bother you again but i need this for wattpad... can you make this as a book cover saying "Code of the Council"?

preferably to crop off the top where the logo or whatever that thing is. or just write over it
on August 17, 2014
on August 17, 2014

Hi, @Rainbow_Dashy . I'm making a series of Warrior Cat pages, would you like to be leader of a Clan?

oh thats okay! just make sure her name is shimmerstar, and she has blue eyes with silver fur. her warrior name was shimmerpelt
on August 17, 2014
on August 17, 2014

Wanna read ma new story?
on August 17, 2014

New Girl Roleplay Page
Roleplay for my story New Girl! If you already have an OC please roleplay as your OC. Thank you!
on August 16, 2014


CrystalDiamond Competitions
On this page, I will hold a weekly competition. It can be drawing, writing, telling a joke and SO much more! Please subscribe to participate!
on August 16, 2014

on August 16, 2014

NEW CONTEST: coolest sock pattern (has to be a picture of one of your own socks) xD
(approved by jafrinjannat)
(approved by jafrinjannat)
on August 14, 2014

http://www.qfeast.com/page/nAZcaD/Drawing-Contest-1 Next Conest: Draw a pond!

Drawing Contest! (1)
Attention all Qfeast artists! I will be hosting drawing contests of different categories! Every Monday I will announce top 3 winners and the next prompt. I will post my own drawings but they will not be counted in the judging. Good luck, and may the best artist win!

on August 13, 2014
on August 13, 2014

http://www.qfeast.com/page/nAZcaD/Drawing-Contest-1 Next Conest: Draw a pond!

Drawing Contest! (1)
Attention all Qfeast artists! I will be hosting drawing contests of different categories! Every Monday I will announce top 3 winners and the next prompt. I will post my own drawings but they will not be counted in the judging. Good luck, and may the best artist win!
on August 13, 2014

http://www.qfeast.com/page/nAZcaD/Drawing-Contest-1 Next Conest: Draw a pond!

Drawing Contest! (1)
Attention all Qfeast artists! I will be hosting drawing contests of different categories! Every Monday I will announce top 3 winners and the next prompt. I will post my own drawings but they will not be counted in the judging. Good luck, and may the best artist win!
on August 13, 2014

http://www.qfeast.com/page/nAZcaD/Drawing-Contest-1 Next Conest: Draw a pond!

Drawing Contest! (1)
Attention all Qfeast artists! I will be hosting drawing contests of different categories! Every Monday I will announce top 3 winners and the next prompt. I will post my own drawings but they will not be counted in the judging. Good luck, and may the best artist win!
on August 13, 2014