Kinky_Linky added a photo to the starred list
This glorious, majestic image. //LOOK AT THE SLIPPERS

on October 09, 2016

I had her permission for this. Bree would draw it, but shes scared that shed be in trouble. Can someone draw my Bree as a bunny girl?
on October 09, 2016

I write a Brelink. :33
on October 08, 2016

//giggles and playfully squishes butt cheeks
I will call you squishy, and you will be mine!~
(Wtf am I doing?)
I will call you squishy, and you will be mine!~
(Wtf am I doing?)
on October 08, 2016

on October 08, 2016


(Wait, how did you know what I smell like?!?)
-stares into space, waiting for you to fall asleep-
-stares into space, waiting for you to fall asleep-
on October 08, 2016

*throws arm around you and rests head on shoulder. Inhaling your scent, which is a delicious mixture of flowers and alchohol
on October 08, 2016
on October 08, 2016

My goddess ♥️♥️♥️
on October 01, 2016

She's not my Bree.
She's my freaking goddess.
She's my freaking goddess.
on October 01, 2016

So, I heard about you and Mander. He's a jerk.
on September 23, 2016

Mander unfollowed you. Probably about the luffy question. Does that mean I can have you to myself?

Eh, I sorta saw it coming. Tbh he was over reacting to the whole Luffy vs Midna thing.
on September 20, 2016
on September 20, 2016

Bean. *^*
on September 19, 2016