The hardest part of the day is leaving your bed.

on September 16, 2015

I couldn't agree more!
on September 16, 2015
on September 15, 2015

"Some of you may die but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make." Thanks @Dracorex for this quote
on September 15, 2015

Kelzopower6 asked a question

What T.V shows do you guys like? Comment what T.V shows you like to watch!
on September 15, 2015

Don't you hate it when you open yogurt and it flings at you, in your face, on your hand, mostly EVERYWERE.
on September 15, 2015

This is awesome! Cheak it out!
This is awesome! Cheak it out!

Two Guys On A Scooter - Studio C
Two Guys On A Scooter - Studio C . There are few things better than two guys on a scooter, except for maybe 3 guys on a scooter. We dare you not to have this...
on September 13, 2015