KatnissHermioneTris - Page 2

I am a massive Harry Potter fan aka a potterhead! I am also a massive The Hunger Games fan! I am a
massive Divergent fan! And I love The Mortal Instruments and Conna Franta!So I belong See More▼
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KatnissHermioneTris's Photo 0
on April 09, 2016
asked a question
What annoys you?
I don't really need to explain the title its basically what it says! Just list the things that annoy you to death!
8 / 5
on April 09, 2016
created a poll
Are you happy?
Why should i...
14 votes 5
on April 09, 2016
The rebellion begins!!
I walk outside and try to work out where to go. Where to sign up. Then it hits me. In the old abandoned community centre.
As soon as I arrive, heads turn and I search the array of people. No one I know but there are certainly a lot of them willing to fight.
" I have come to join," I say flatly.
" Join what?" The woman on the stage asks.
" Oh please don't act all innocent on me? I know why you're here."
" Alright but you have to sign a form to say that you are responsible for all your actions...
on April 09, 2016
The choice
" Justice come downstairs and have some tea!" shouts my mum.
" Don't want any!" I shout back.
" Come on you're having some!"
I don't want to go downstairs. I want to stay up in my bedroom and think about what I saw. "I hate peacekeepers" I think to myself. They're selfish and rich. And they're from the Capitol. I hate the Capitol too. But do we really need to fight back? Is it necessary? I don't know.
I slump down into my chair as soon as I get downstairs and stare at my bowl. There is hardl...
on April 08, 2016
asked a question
Are you narcissistic?
Are you narcissistic? Or just an attention seeker? I made this cause apparently most of the people on qfeast are and the word is really fun to say!
6 / 0
on April 08, 2016
created a poll
Fave author?
Enid Blyton
J.K Rowling
Suzanne Collins
Jacqueline W...
+ 5 more
8 votes 6
on April 08, 2016
Yay I'm this weeks top answerer!!!
on April 08, 2016
asked a question
Your fave things!
Tell me your fave things!
3 / 0 profile question
on April 08, 2016
created a poll
Tomboy vs Girly girl!
Girly Girl!
23 votes 2
on April 08, 2016
My awesomely detailed picture!!
on April 08, 2016
created a poll
Dog or Cat?
1 vote 0 profile poll
on April 08, 2016
How are you feeling?

I am bored. So I will ask u how your feelin and why. How are you feeling and why are you feeling like that?
on April 08, 2016
asked a question
Should i read the maze runner?
I love reading and I was wondering if I should read the maze runner?
2 / 0 profile question
on April 08, 2016
asked a question
Any good books? (1)
I love reading and I'm a massive fan of Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Divergent so I was wondering if anyone could recommend some books! ( keeping in mind that I love Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Divergent )
6 / 0
on April 08, 2016
asked a question
What is the difference between lipstick and lip gloss?
I am a massive tomboy so I don't know the difference! Any girly girls that can tell me
6 / 1
on April 08, 2016
asked a question
Am i the only one who has read all the Wizard of Oz books?
I have read all 14 wizard of oz books and no one else has! Is there any one else?
0 / 0 profile question
on April 08, 2016
created a story
The uprising of Panem!
You've read or seen the hunger games well this is the uprising that came before it!
1 read 1 reader 0 profile story
on April 08, 2016
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Awkward Moments
share your awkwardness? o.O or um just laugh at other.. i guess ;-; ._.
998 subscribers 72 members
on April 07, 2016
created a poll
Narcissistic person vs Attention seeker
Narcissistic people
Attention Seeker
11 votes 1
on April 07, 2016