Justi asked a question

What fnaf ship is you fav? Bonnie,foxy,Freddy,puppet,T.b,,T.c, Mangle and chica are wai...
on August 07, 2017

on July 22, 2017

I will be quoting due to:
1.every quiz I do when its not good it says that I can improve or leave it but I can't press anything!
2.people keep posting random things on my pages. This is not allowed.only things related to the page can be posted.
3.school is almost here and I will bareley be able to play fnaf,roblox,Minecraft or youTube in the 30 mins before I eat and go to sleep and homework.
4.I am only 9! I can not chat or do any social midia. If you want to talk,meet me on roblox. See More
5.I'm going to Lego land 28-31. So I can NOT play on the tablet cuz IMA be on rides!
6.I barley do anything here! This site is trash & has loads of bugs!
7.I have chores witch lowers my time. So I will barley focus on YouTube witch is bad!
8on the .21 I'm getting a dog.so that will lower my time more + a party in a few weeks.
9.I hope you understand.maybe I will comeback someday but NOT soon. A dog,2 sisters,4th grade,Lego land,YouTube,homework,my friends,school,family time & chores + Qfeast,Minecraft,fnaf,& roblox. This is a lot of pressure on me and I have to quit some.I hope you understand.
Roblox user: justicebunny_1987
YouTube user: justice bunny fan 1987
Good bye for now.
1.every quiz I do when its not good it says that I can improve or leave it but I can't press anything!
2.people keep posting random things on my pages. This is not allowed.only things related to the page can be posted.
3.school is almost here and I will bareley be able to play fnaf,roblox,Minecraft or youTube in the 30 mins before I eat and go to sleep and homework.
4.I am only 9! I can not chat or do any social midia. If you want to talk,meet me on roblox. See More
5.I'm going to Lego land 28-31. So I can NOT play on the tablet cuz IMA be on rides!
6.I barley do anything here! This site is trash & has loads of bugs!
7.I have chores witch lowers my time. So I will barley focus on YouTube witch is bad!
8on the .21 I'm getting a dog.so that will lower my time more + a party in a few weeks.
9.I hope you understand.maybe I will comeback someday but NOT soon. A dog,2 sisters,4th grade,Lego land,YouTube,homework,my friends,school,family time & chores + Qfeast,Minecraft,fnaf,& roblox. This is a lot of pressure on me and I have to quit some.I hope you understand.
Roblox user: justicebunny_1987
YouTube user: justice bunny fan 1987
Good bye for now.
on July 22, 2017

Justi asked a question

Is fnaf a good game? Tell me yes or no if no, I will foucus more on other games,if yes,...
on July 19, 2017